1 John 3:16

"By this we perceive the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

Wednesday 7 July 2010

A King

Israel took a king like the nations around them. This king took them away from God. Israel wanted a champion to go before them (1 Sam 8:5-7, 19-22). They did not want to be near God (Ex 20:19). God told Samuel that Israel rejected Him by choosing a king. People often want a champion, a man of God, no matter if he is false. It somehow makes our worship of God easier, we think.

God warned Israel that this champion would not treat the people well. He would enrich himself and tax the people (1 Sam 8:11-18). But Israel ignored that. This is how Saul and the kings that followed treated Israel. Paul told the Corinthians this is how the false apostles treated them, “If they bring you into bondage, take from you, devour you, beat you and exalt themselves, you bear it…” (2 Cor 11:20). Paul’s life was a complete contrast to these supermen.

This is why we need laws governing kings. Leaders of ministries also must be accountable to the law. People let them get away with all sorts of things, because they want a champion like the ministries around them. It is better to have God as our champion. He will not treat us like that. Having a leader is no compensation for knowing God yourself. But here we see one thing: Let us not want to be like the ministries around us. Let us ask God what He wants.

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